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Skin Repair


An advanced service that requires some pre and post care. A pen with 12 sterile needles goes over your face after it has been properly washed and degreased and numbed, to create hundreds of tiny pin prick wounds on your skin to generate new production of collagen, elastin and healthy skin cells. A little bit stricter aftercare is provided to you and staying out of the sun as well as using sunscreen is essential!

Chemical Peels

Lactic Chemical Peel: This peel is more gentle and will not generate deep sheet peeling on the face. It can provide an instant glow and there may be some redness, itchiness or slight flaking involved. Does require sunscreen to be worn every day afterwards but it's great for anti-aging and fighting pigmentation. These can be done every two weeks.

Layered Chemical Peel: Layered chemical peels are done with a stronger alpha hydroxy acids that create sheet peeling on the face for a deep exfoliation of dead skin. This requires that you have a break from any prescription grade retinol before, and commit to wearing sunscreen everyday after. The number of layers depends on your skin and there's a number of different types to choose from. TCA, Salicylic, Mandelic, etc. There is aftercare that is needed after a procedure like this and you have to have done a lactic chemical peel with me before you can schedule one of these.

Scar Coverup

Camouflage makeup designed to help cover up scars for an event, pictures etc. Price depends on the size and complexity of the scar or tattoo

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